Application that allows Land Transportation Companies to make the Enlistment Protocols (Daily Pre-Operational Check) required by the National Government and regulated in the Mintransport Resolution 315, in accordance with the Strategic Road Safety Plan (PESV) that intends to implement the concept of a Safe Vehicle in Colombian society.
Preoperational Inspection
All passenger land transport companies, freight transport companies and mixed transport companies, will make the daily enlistment of each vehicle, within the period between the last dispatch of the day and the first of the next day, where they will be verified At least the following aspects.
- Engine leaks, tension belts, covers, engine oil levels, transmission, steering, brakes, water level, windshield, radiator additives, wet and dry filters.
- Batteries: electrolyte levels, edge adjustments and sulfation.
- Tires: wear, air pressure.
- Road equipment.
- First aid kit.
The enlistment will be carried out by the company with personnel other than their drivers but with the participation of the driver of the vehicle to be dispatched.